Custom Halloween Jerseys

   Halloween is celebrated on the night of October 31st every year. It is mainly popular in Western countries such as the United States, the British Isles, Australia, Canada and New Zealand, which are mainly descended from Anglo-Saxons. According to local customs, children will wear devil costumes and masks that night to collect candy from house to house.

With the evolution of commercialization, the Asian region influenced by the Western world is dominated by variants such as drag shows, and is no longer rigidly adhered to the theme of ghosts.


Halloween is usually associated with supernatural things. Although it is a traditional festival derived from the Western world, in fact Western Christians have controversial views on this festival, because religions believe that ghosts and devils are related, so Westerners who understand the tradition generally do not encourage participation, but with the secularization Influence most Westerners have de-emphasized traditional colors, thinking that
Halloween is the time when the ghost world is closest to the human world, which is similar to the Chinese New Year's Day[1] and Japan's Hundred Ghosts Night Walk. However, the traditional dates for ghost festivals in the West are not consistent. Among them, the ancestors of the Native Americans were sacrificed. This tradition formed the Mexicans' Day of the Dead, which is also similar to the traditional date of the All Saints' Day of European immigrants, and the time is determined. After the concept of Halloween was formed from the end of October to the beginning of November, Custom Jerseys it became a global festival with the increase of American influence. Anoka, Minnesota, is known as the "Halloween Capital of the World" and is held every year. Large parade to celebrate.


The origin of Halloween varies, with Halloween falling on November 1st, but most people celebrate Halloween on October 31st. Halloween is different from All Saints' Day, which is a Christian holiday. Halloween is a secular holiday. But no matter what they say, the integration and promotion of various Halloween customs are probably inseparable from the immigrant culture in the United States.


Most believe that it originated from the traditional festival (probably the end of summer) of the British Celts to celebrate the harvest. The Celts believed that the last day of October was the end of summer and the beginning of winter. One of the festivals, called "Day of the Dead" or "Ghost Festival". According to legend, all kinds of evil spirits appear on this day, and the souls of the dead will also leave the underworld and live in the world.


Wandering around, visiting relatives and friends, this night is especially dangerous. In order to scare away evil ghosts, the Celts would wear masks and roam the village. In this way, the origin of the Halloween event is formed. In ancient times, the Irish believed that the dead would return to the world between October 31st and November 1st, so it was customary for the living to wear strange clothes and parade to exorcise ghosts. At that time, there were also dead people on the European continent.


The habit of donating candy, the recipient promises to "prayer for the dead" in return. As a result, the children developed the habit of going to each house to ask for candy. Immigrants from Ireland and Scotland spread related customs to various British colonies in the 19th century, such as the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, etc., and other countries began to celebrate Halloween at the end of the 20th century under the influence of American culture.


In addition, in terms of Christianity, the early catholic church (Catholicism), because of the large number of saints, could not commemorate them one by one, so they commemorated them on the same day. According to historical documents, the earliest commemoration in this way was the Church of Antioch (Antioch), and the memorial day was set as the first Sunday after the advent of the Holy Spirit every year. Later Pope Gregory III (690-741)
In the Basilica of St. Peter in Rome, a chapel was dedicated to the saints, and the date of commemorating the saints was changed to November 1 every year, in order to combat the festival of ghosts that had become popular at that time. On this All Saints Day, the Church honors all the saints, honoring their holiness, and making them a model to follow. The second day of All Saints' Day is the Day of All Souls), is the French Monastery of Cluny
The dean of the hospital, San Odillo, promoted it in 998 AD. It commemorates martyred believers on that day and is also a day for Christians to sweep the tombs; the Chinese Catholic Church also calls it the "Feast of Remembrance for the Dead". to help ancestors, relatives and friends who have not yet reached heaven.


According to scholars, the origins of this modern Mexican festival can be traced back hundreds of years to indigenous observances and an Aztec festival dedicated to the goddess Mikte Casivatl. In Brazil, Day of the Dead is a public holiday, and many Brazilians visit cemeteries and churches to celebrate this holiday. In Spain, festivals and parades are held, and at the end of the day, people gather in cemeteries to pray for their dead relatives.